The postman brought me a package from Hong Kong today. I'm always excited to receive packages but this was an extra special one from fellow blogger friend, Jenn at Kanna Glass Studios. I admired some lovely polymer buttons that she blogged about here and I was really pleased to receive an e-mail from her offering them to me and today they arrived! They are super and I will be using them on one of my hand knitted creations very soon! I'm thinking about a pair of gloves as there are two. I'll be sure to post piccies here when they're done (which reminds me, I must do some photographs of my escapades in knitting toe up socks as suggested by Laura in the comments section last time I wrote about knitting socks).
As a total aside, aren't the stamps just super?!
One of the things that's been keeping DH and I both busy is preparing more paperwork for the Ombudsman concerning the house that we own about 10 miles outside of Cambridge. It all seems to be coming to a head and we might get resolution of our longstanding dispute with Countryside Properties and the insurance company, Zurich, very soon. We moved to the house we currently live in due to Countryside Properties repairing the one near Cambridge. We have wanted to sell the house near Cambridge for nearly two years but due to the outstanding defects, we couldn't. All the defects concerning safety have been completed and whilst we argue the rest out with Countryside Properties, we have a tenant living there.
We now rent a house close to Grantham which is roughly halfway between Cambridge (where I have my stall on a Saturday) and Lincoln (where DH spends a lot of his time). A summary of the long sorry story is on our Countryside Problemities website for anyone interested.
Also, I've spent an inordinate amount of time researching jewellery display items. I have finally decided on the range to invest in and I am expecting delivery very soon - can't wait! When it all arrives, I'll be setting up an exact replica of my stall table in my dining room and having a play around to see what looks best. I've bought some new fabric and boxes to give height etc. - it would be brilliant if I were ready to show it all off this weekend.
Oooh, thanks so much, Sue! I can't wait to see what you make with the buttons!