Thursday, 9 December 2010

Relying on the postman

I have ordered a new thermocoupler (and a new relay just in case - always a good idea to have a spare). They are being dispatched today first class but I can't imagine they will arrive til next week. There's a possibility that it's the element in the kiln but without an electricity meter I won't know til I fit the new bits. I'm feeling so gloomy that I'm convincing myself they won't fix it.

Things that were posted to me on Monday haven't arrived yet, some materials (really really need that package as I can't make earrings if they don't arrive). DH is expecting a cheque (really really need that too!) New SIM card for my mobile (could do with that before Saturday). Two Amazon packages (would like those but not desperate) and some Love Film DVDs (ditto). Broke one of my 2.5mm bamboo needles that I use for sockmaking last night so can't even take refuge in knitting new socks (that's always fun). I've ordered some more as soon as I broke it but they probably won't arrive either.

All the disrpution and delays as a result of icy pavements and side streets is a nightmare at this time of year. Only the postman arriving with armfuls of post will cheer me up today and maybe the ice disappearing. Out of the last 10 days, I have only had 3 lots of post. At least it's supposed to be warmer for next couple of days. Need something to lift me out of the gloom.


  1. lol completly know how you feel! I love post, I hate waiting for it to come!

  2. Hi Niky :-) but it doesn't look like he's coming today, (again) he normally arrives between 9.00 and 9.30am.

  3. Sarah-jane Marsden9 December 2010 at 18:24

    Cheer up sue ! At least God's decided to give us a decent saturday ,we could have been all snowed in ! see you at the weekend !

  4. Hey, Sarah, welcome to my blog, so thrilled that you visited :-) Now I'm a happy bunny - you've cheered me right up - we're all going to have a great day on Saturday, see you then!


Thanks so much for visiting, I love it when people leave me messages!