Friday, 2 July 2010

Come on Andy!

I'm ready, got my coathangers all untangled; I don't think there's anything more aggrannoying than the way they get themselves in a mess and then you can't just pick one out when you need one.

My iron is primed with water ready to go at my usual full steam, full pelt, red-hot-maximum pace. All that's needed is for Andy to do the business at Wimbledon.

Are athletes as superstitious as actors about being wished good luck? The traditional "break a le-" doesn't seem appropriate for a tennis player so I'm just going to say "break a fingernail (very slightly)" as I don't want to jinx him. I can't wait (but I have a lot to do before the match so I hope the quarter final before his goes to a five-setter!)

Edit after the match
Ah well, he gave it a very good try, maybe next year. He played much better than the straight sets defeat might suggest. At least he tried very hard and put a lot of effort in, which is far more than I could say about the England footballers.


  1. They're funny toe-shaped pink coat hangers in the foreground - is that a new design? Are they sock hangers by any chance? ;o)

  2. :-) I was going to crop my feet out but when I noticed that my silver-painted toenails actually didn't clash with my sandals, I thought I'd leave them in (it's summer after all!)


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