I've been a bit quiet on the blogging front as it was my year end on 31 March and I have to count all my stock and materials and get all my accounts in order. If I don't do it now, I will forget when it comes time to file my tax return. I'd rather not pay the tax man any interest or late penalties - he gets enough off of me as it is!
I wish the weather would make up it's mind; yesterday it stayed cloudy and cold all day, we even lit a fire in the evening. This morning it was the same but this afternoon the cloud has burned away and so it's now nice and warm. Trouble is, I had already made a nice warming stew for dinner; it's simmering away on the stove as I type and has been since just after lunch. It feels like we should be eating a salad instead. Oh well, if that's the worst of my troubles, I'm not so badly off am I?!
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