Monday 10 January 2011

Modified photography set up

I've added to the photography set up I wrote about last year. I've been reasonably happy with the photographs I was taking with it but even so, they were still much better if I opened the studio door and let in some natural light. I really wanted something that was independent of the time of day or weather. Hence I've invested in another OTT light and a softbox to replace the amateurish piece of paper. I've also purchased some different coloured card backgrounds cut to fit the softbox.

I think my jewellery photography is improving; I'm really pleased with this photograph of a recycled beer bottle and copper necklace, taken today (flat, dull, very overcast and breezy). The necklace will be on sale in my Etsy shop this afternoon!


  1. This is beautiful. And the pictures are brilliant.

  2. I always love the idea of recycle..
    As long as I don't have to keep pumping up tyres !
    Actually, I really do love the idea of recycle, especially when it is made into something as beautiful as this.. Well done with your pics :-) x x x

  3. Hi Sue,

    Your photo's are lovely, lost on nice texture! I always take poor photos and have to jack up the light balance to compensate for the dodgy lighting! These look great. Good to see you on Facebook! very efficient.
    When will Sooz Joolz be at the Art & Craft market again? In fact do you know when it starts again? Questions, questions!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR by the way!


  4. Thank you for all the compliments on the photos. :-)

    Les, the Art & Craft market is officially back on 22nd January but I'll probably be back a couple of weeks after that. I think Sharon is planning to be there on 22nd. See you on Facebook! HNY to you too!

  5. Wow, I love the second photo, really amazing!

    What do you mean recycled beer bottle? Do you use the bottle and then make beads from it? anyway recycling is the way to and I am now adding your shop to my favs!

    take care

  6. Looks like you've got it sorted! The lighting is really nice.

  7. Lovely photos and a some really lovely pieces.Now following :)


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