Friday 14 May 2010

New jewellery

I haven't been updating the website as often as I usually with jewellery. I have a germ of an idea about how to re-arrange it and so am holding off in the meantime. There are always lots of new things every single week on my Saturday stall at All Saints Art & Craft Market in Cambridge, I very rarely photograph everything new. Quite often, it will be a pair of earrings in a style I've done before but with beads I haven't made in that design before ... if I photographed every piece of jewellery for the website, it would take too long to upkeep. The new way I plan to rearrange the website will address this point but I'm getting ahead of myself.

In the meantime, I'll be adding new beads that I've been making to the blog and any new designs of jewellery will also be featured but I'll keep you posted with news.

Here are just three new things that I've made this week.

(Larger version if you click the image).


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